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Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

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г. Красноярск,
ул. Урицкого, 117,
офис 2-01
Режим работы:
Пн. - Пт.: 09:00 - 19:00
Сб 11:00 - 16:00
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Surikov Spring

In anticipation of 160th anniversary of a great Russian artist Vasily Surikov’s birthday, a new memorable place appeared in Krasnoyarsk – the Surikov Spring.  

On the bank of the Bugach River, where from XVII century there was a big settlement of the Surikovs’ family and their grass meadows, in 21th century a memorable stone was set, as well with the spring water and benches for rest. Many generations of Surikov’s ancestors inhabited the banks of the river Rzhavitsa beyond the Dolgaya Griva, cultivating and protecting the lands from raids of the wandering Tatar tribes. The artist often visited these places in his childhood, and later was a guest at the country cottage of the Kuznetsovs’ family nearby, who loved him a lot. The head of the town, owner of the goldmines Peter Kuznetsov played an important role in the life of Surikov: he arranged a monetary allowance in the form of scholarship for a painter to rent housing in St. Petersburg, bought brushes, canvas and paints, paied for his education.  

These are the very places where Surikov made sketches of his famous canvases “Suvorov crossing the Alps” and “The Conquest of Siberia by Yermak”. In 1901 for these paintings the artist was awarded by the Order of St. Vladimir, and the second painting was bought by the Russian Monarch himself in 1851 at the exhibition of the artists Wanderers.

People, who breathed life into this tourist attraction of Krasnoyarsk, are Nelly. Laletina, that found a mention of this place in the old archival documents, the staff and the pupils of Lyceum №1 under the guidance of Vladimir Bakhmutov, who wrote a fascinating book “The Surikov Spring”, the administration of the city and its citizens. In November 2007 the opening of the Surikov Spring was Siberian widely celebrated: with horse-riding, tea-drinking, singing and dancing.

In the Surikov memorial estate in Krasnoyarsk it is planned to create a unique exhibition “The Surikov Spring”, which rises from the ground symbolizing the relation of creativity and nature source in the works of Surikov.
